Become a VideoTile Distributor

Become a VideoTile Distributor

At VideoTile Learning, we create interactive video-based e-learning courses and you could become a VideoTile Distributor. We offer a variety of subjects, including Health and Safety, Social Care, and Business Skills. Our approved and accredited online courses are...
Why Video Works: Four Reasons Why

Why Video Works: Four Reasons Why

When investing in training, businesses want to make sure that your training delivers the message in the most effective way possible. As a training provider, you need to ensure that you can provide what the customer wants and exceed their requirements. This is why...
Top Five e-Learning Trends from 2016

Top Five e-Learning Trends from 2016

Although 2017 is well under way we still think it is worth looking back at the most popular and interesting e-learning trends of last year. These trends are set to become standards in the current year so the more we know and share, the better.  Here are five of the...