Government statistics show 39% of UK businesses identified a cyber attack in 2022. Cyber criminals do not discriminate and businesses of all sizes are at risk, so it is vital business owners equip their staff with valid cyber security training and knowledge. Our online cyber security course makes it easy to give your customers an effective and comprehensive cyber security training option, allowing them to protect their business.

Online Cyber Security Course

Our short online Cyber Security course explains how and why data breaches and cyber attacks may happen and the practical approach to handling them. The course also explores how to ensure you follow best practice to put the right defences to minimise the impact of any attack.

The course also identifies different types of attack and how to spot them before they become a serious problem. Learners will recognise and learn how to deal with phishing attempts and what to do in the event of falling foul of an attack. Cyber security is a global concern and something all your customers should be concerned with. This is especially true if they have a large number of staff connected to their network or the internet.

Who is our Cyber Security Course For?

This is a short and practical course ideal for almost any employee at any level. You can market this course to your customers as suitable for all their employees. It provides a general overview of the most common cyber security threats a business may come up against.

Course details

Training people in cyber security is important for all businesses who need to protection against the ever present threat of online attackers. Our course is also accredited by the industry bodies IIRSM and CPD. It is just 25 minutes of training and allows people to have a good understanding of cyber security and their responsibilities. The modules on the course are:

  • Cyber Security – An Overview
  • Combating Cyber Attacks

What other courses should I consider?

Businesses offering our Online Cyber Security Course may want to consider other related courses suitable for office and online environments including Introducing GDPR and Disciplinary Procedures. Cyber security is of course relevant to all work environments. However, it becomes particularly important when there are large numbers of staff connecting to the same network.

Choosing your VideoTile courses

VideoTile helps training providers deliver the highest quality of content to their customers. Utilising our suite of video courses allows you to deliver exceptional training content to your customers. Get in touch to discuss our cyber security training in more depth or explore our wider range of courses.

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