Add Value to your Recruitment Agency

Recruitment is a sector that relies upon qualified people to succeed. You need to find talent and provide your employer candidates with this talent. VideoTile specialises in creating high-quality training courses. Our job interview online course is a fantastic value-added resource for recruitment agency clients. Our course provides all a candidate needs to know about preparing for a job interview. It is a great resource for your recruitment business to offer to candidates preparing to work for your employer clients.

Our Job Interview Online Course: A Closer Look

Our Preparing for a Job Interview E-Learning course is a helpful and educational guide to perfect interview prep. It provides useful tips on how to prepare for the whole interview process. This includes preparing answers to common questions. It also looks at how to organise the day of the interview, including planning your route to the interview location. We live in a world where video interviews are becoming more common. Therefore, this course covers some of the common differences between face-to-face and virtual interviewing. The course helps learners feel more confident in their abilities. it provides the practical tools to prepare for that important interview properly.

Why Recruitment Agencies should Offer Interview Training

Recruitment agencies specialise in presenting organisations with the right individual for their vacancies. Your employer clients expect you to provide them with high-quality employees, and this includes at interview stage. If you put candidates forward for an interview with one of your employer clients, you want them to do well, and in some instances, a little extra training and support is very helpful.

As a recruitment agency, you want your business to thrive, and you need your candidates to excel. Investing in a little extra training for them helps their prospects and gives them more of a chance of getting the jobs you put them forward for. This, in turn, reflects well on your agency.

Preparing for a Job Interview Course Licensing

Any recruiter interested in offering this course to their clients can easily gain a license via VideoTile. Simply buy the e-learning licences you need directly from us. Then you can either sell the course to your candidates or offer it as a free coaching tool to help prepare clients for interviews. So you can utilise the course in the most effective way for your business.

Recruitment agencies work to give their candidates the best chance of gaining any job they put them forward for. Hence, a little extra job interview preparation and experience is always welcome. Contact us directly today to discuss buying your licences for this course.


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