In today’s fast-paced working environment, employee training has become an essential part of running a successful business. Employers have to ensure their workforce is equipped with the necessary skills to remain competitive in their industry. There are numerous training methods available, but video eLearning courses have gained popularity due to their effectiveness. Here are five reasons why VideoTile eLearning courses are an excellent choice for employee training.

Supports Our Natural Preferences for Learning

Humans have a natural tendency to learn visually, which makes video eLearning courses a perfect choice. The one-to-one classroom experience is possible through video learning, making it an interactive and engaging experience. Video courses can demonstrate complex concepts visually, making it easier for learners to understand and retain information.

Enhances the Reputation of eLearning

eLearning has gained a reputation for being dull and unengaging, and for the most part, it’s true. Traditional training methods with long-duration modules are no longer effective, and microlearning has become popular. VideoTile eLearning courses are short and snappy, making it easy for learners to digest essential information quickly.

Satisfy a Range of Learning Styles

Each individual has their unique way of learning. Video courses cater to a wide range of learning styles through their visual medium. Auditory learners can benefit from voiceovers and presenters, while visual learners can benefit from text and images on the screen. Video eLearning courses appeal to a wide range of learning preferences, making them an effective tool for employee training.

Engage, Entertain and Motivate

Video eLearning courses are an engaging and entertaining experience for learners. They hold attention easily and make it easy to engage and motivate learners. High-quality training materials can make mandatory training less of a chore. It can also help motivate learners to consider more training courses.

Minimise Cognitive Load

Reading through training manuals can be mentally draining and may not be an effective method for retaining information. Video eLearning courses als are less stressful and energy-intensive than reading a training manual. It’s a much more relaxed and comfortable experience for learners, making it easy for them to digest the information.

Bespoke VideoTile eLearning courses for Your Business

VideoTile offers a wide range of video training courses across different sectors. We also offer bespoke video eLearning courses tailored to your business needs. If you’re looking for a video eLearning course for your business, get in touch with VideoTile today to find out more.