At VideoTile we have a clear passion for video eLearning course options, ensuring our clients have a wealth of choice. As well as being a great investment for your training business, this kind of learning material is also great for a wide range of different learners. A video eLearning course gives your clients an interactive and effective training tool for their employees and other benefits too. Let’s look at why video is such an effective eLearning tool.

Video engages with learners more effectively

Videos get 1200% more shares than text and images and while the purpose of a training course is not shares and likes, it shows that this type of content is effective in engaging audiences. Video is much easier for learners to digest, remember and put into use in their workplace. If learners need to go back to their training, they can access the video content via their device but also have better knowledge retention due to learning via video.

Video turns boring lessons into engaging stories

No one wants to sit through slide after slide of PowerPoint presentation. It simply isn’t an effective way to learn. Through video, lessons can be told through stories, and this makes them easier to remember and retain. Storytelling makes learning more enjoyable and accessible.

Video is an accessible learning tool

Video is much more accessible than text and images for learners with different abilities. Learners with visual disabilities can listen to the content while those with hearing issues can use captions to engage with the content too.

Video offers training consistency

The best training companies are only as good as their instructors, and you cannot guarantee the same level of consistency in the training. However, with high quality video eLearning courses you’ve got the same high quality of training materials whoever is accessing them. Video also means everyone accesses the same materials and has the same opportunity to access the required information for learning.

The wide range of elearning courses in the VideoTile catalogue ensures you can keep your clients satisfied with high quality training for all areas of business. We work with many training companies offering a wide range of learning materials to businesses in all sectors. Our distributor package gives you instant access to over 100 individual video courses including Health & Safety, Business Skills, Leadership. Social Care and Hospitality. We also offer bespoke courses tailored completely to your business’ training requirements.

Contact us today to discuss your needs.