It’s been 10 years since the tragic death of little Peter Connelly. And around 17 years since Victoria Climbié died at the hands of her guardians. And these examples are unfortunately far from alone. From the highly documented case of Jimmy Savile, to the disturbing stories of abuse at Winterbourne care home. Each of these highlight the continuing risks faced by children and vulnerable adults.

But while there’s no doubt that all these examples are devastating, we’ve come a long way in improving how we protect the country’s children and vulnerable adults. Reviews of existing statutory child protection guidance, improved joint working of councils, police and the NHS and increased public awareness, each play a significant role. But safeguarding training has also transformed over the last few years. In fact, today, many of the UK’s employers and agencies make it a priority for all new and existing employees.

Importance of safeguarding training

Safeguarding is everyone’s business and responsibility. But even more so for employers, regulators, training providers and recruitment agencies, who must ensure they understand their changing responsibilities and obligations. After all, while the improved public awareness and multi-agency approach is extremely positive, we cannot become complacent.

For individuals who regularly come into contact with vulnerable adults, children and young people, they must understand the signs to look out for of abuse or neglect and know what to do about such concerns. This is why appropriate safeguarding training is so crucial. It will also help professionals to:

  • Recognise signs of child maltreatment.
  • Understand how the physical and mental health of parents or carers can affect a child.
  • Appreciate the full impact of domestic violence.
  • Understand the risks linked with the internet and social networking.
  • Develop a basic knowledge of the latest and relevant legislation.
  • Know what to do if they have concerns.

Why video based e-learning?

E-learning has transformed the way we learn, study and train. But over the last few years, video-based training has become the most common and effective method of employee training. After all, it offers a shorter, more focused and engaging way to learn. In fact, when delivered correctly, the benefits of video-based e-learning include:

  • More persuasive.
  • Allows for training ‘on the go’ with the use of smartphones.
  • Supports on-demand bite-sized microlearning, providing training just at the moment you need it.
  • Cost effective.
  • Adds life to an eLearning course by making it effective and engaging.
  • Increases learner engagement and participation.
  • Maximises the chance of the learner remembering the information, without feeling overloaded.
  • Provides a simple and practical learning experience.

VideoTile provide interactive video based training courses, including safeguarding training. Our course will help learners to understand and recognise the signs of abuse and neglect among the children, young people and vulnerable adults they have responsibility of protecting.