Time To Talk Day – 7th February is a day dedicated to having a conversation about mental health. The awareness day is set up by Time to Change, a charity that focuses on ending the discriminations surrounding mental health. In 2019, Time To Talk Day – 7th February will focus on the right ingredients for having a conversation about mental health.

How To Get Involved in Time To Talk Day – 7th February

There are plenty of ways to join in with Time to Talk Day – 7th February. Some of the ways you can take part include;

Workplace Conversation – Time To Change offers free resources to help plan a workplace activity. A coffee morning can be a great way to raise awareness and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health. Have some of the best bakers in the workplace create some treats, share them out and have a natter.

Schools Conversation – It is important that everyone feels comfortable to talk about mental health if they want to. Schools are an excellent place to start to conversation early, so the ease of talking about it continues as children grow.

Community conversation – Whether it is your neighbours, sports clubs, gym friends or anyone else you may know, community conversations and activities can help to raise the conversation of mental health in your local community. Download your free activity pack here.

Mental Health Awareness Training

Another way to get involved in Time to Talk Day – 7th February is by offering Mental Health Awareness Training. At VideoTile, we have created online training that covers all of the frequently asked questions surrounding mental health. The course also covers the difference between mental health and mental illness. As well as this, it provides practical help, making it great for anyone in the health and care setting.

See the course for yourself with a free trial. Don’t forget, the team at VideoTile will also brand the training course to suit your needs.

Find out more about our mental health awareness training and our other online courses by getting in touch.