As a training provider, you’ll be well aware of the importance of health and safety training. All of your clients will need to implement health and safety training in some form or another. While classroom training may work for some training, health and safety training must be undertaken as soon as a business employs a new recruit. With this in mind, health and safety online training is a fantastic course to offer clients as they can use it as and when they need to, in the comfort of the business premises.

So, why should your training company offer health and safety online training? Here are the biggest benefits to convince you (and your clients);

The Best Benefits Of Health And Safety Online Training

  1. It makes complying to the law easier

Health and Safety training is a legal requirement under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. An online course means it is easy to implement during the induction of new recruits, ensuring that everyone in the business has had the right training.

  1. It reduces accidents

A huge selling point to your clients is that training will help their staff to work safely. It can develop a strong safety culture which reduces the number of accidents. In turn, this can reduce the cost of time off work due to injury and illness.

  1. It is universal

Whether you have clients from a specific industry or cater for all training requirements for all clients, health and safety training is a universal requirement. It will be something that all of your prospective customers will need to consider. With this in mind, you can offer a range of health and safety online training options that are specific to each industry or perhaps a one-size-fits-all option.

Find Your Perfect Health And Safety Online Training With VideoTile

If you want custom-made online training or perhaps an off the shelf online video course, VideoTile has the perfect option to suit your needs. We will brand each course for your business needs, so you can lead the way with high-quality online training.

Contact us for more information about our Online Training Courses, for a free evaluation as to how our solutions will work for your business or to arrange a meeting at our office.