Universal design and accessible technology are effective means for ensuring everybody, of all abilities, has access to a wide range of opportunities. In the education and learning sector e-learning is perfect example of how accessible technology allows people to learn and study, where they may not previously have been able to. Making your e-learning materials as a company or training provider comes with the following benefits:

1.      Further Reach

Training can now be accessed by a wider range of people. This enhances the options for employers when looking for the right person for a job. People with disabilities shouldn’t be considered unsuitable for a position due to lack of relevant training. This is especially if you can provide it for them and they are the perfect candidate for the role.

2.      More Effective Training

Creating accessible e-learning material requires more work in satisfying a range of different learning needs and requirements. Courses which meet more learning preferences are naturally more diverse and satisfy a wider range of learners. This in turn makes them more effective.

3.      Be Recognised for your Universal Approach

Choosing to offer only accessible e-learning options does not only ensure employees with disabilities are catered for, it says a lot about your company as a whole. Being mindful of your corporate social responsibility is important. This is just one of many ways you can do so.

Technology develops faster than anyone can track. In many ways, it offers more independence and freedom to those who need it most. Implementing an accessible-as-standard approach is something modern businesses should all consider. Especially when it comes to e-learning. So much of it is naturally accessible, a few adaptations are never too difficult. E-learning is a perfect example of just how a sector can accessibly change to allow more people than ever before to educate themselves and develop their skills.