You can save time and money by looking at our business skills suite of online courses. One-to-one tutor led video training allows you to benefit from a high level of knowledge and content without high costs. It also avoids the need for several separate face-to-face training sessions. Social media has become a skill necessary in every workplace so here we’re looking through just some of our course areas and what they offer businesses.

Social Media for Business

Our general Social Media for Business e-learning course provides a foundation level of information so you can put together an efficient and effective social media strategy for your business. At the end of the course it should be possible to implement your own strategy or work with experts to do so.

Twitter for Business

Twitter is one of the top social media channels available. It is used by millions of people for both personal use and also for business practices. Success on Twitter is all about the right kind of activity and throughout our Twitter for business course you can learn how to craft your Twitter persona and how to use it effectively.

LinkedIn for Business

Well established and respected for its business prospects, LinkedIn is the key social media network for business people. It can be an extremely useful tool for finding the right people to talk to in any given company. Our LinkedIn for Business courses help get to know the network and begin to find those ideal connections.

Facebook for Business

The biggest social network of them all probably needs no introduction. However, taking it on as a business tool is very different to personal use. There is a high chance a large percentage of your target audience have a Facebook account. Why not use it to target them? Our Facebook for Business courses help you to engage with the network from a business angle. It also helps you make the most of the opportunities it brings.

Social media must be part of your business. However, the right training is essential to get the most out of it.