The digital learning goals of different organisations are different and as expert e-learning specialists, we know how to create the right resources for every type of business or organisation. VideoTile works with all of our clients to design and build bespoke online training courses. They can be to support specific business sectors, be designed with an individual local authority in mind or be specific to an educational organisation.

Bespoke online training courses from VideoTile are regularly used for internal training, branded to your business. Alternatively, we also provide the option of you publishing your training content for a wider audience. This is possible through our large distributor network.

Proven and Accredited Bespoke Online Training

We are proud to work with a wide range of approval and accreditation organisations. This means your bespoke courses, designed by us, can lead to nationally recognised qualifications. Whether you opt for a purely online service or a blended solution, VideoTile will work to your specification as closely as possible. We deliver entirely tailored and individualised courses for your business.

Improve Employee Engagement and Training

Entirely bespoke branded training solutions allow your business to benefit from something which suits the kind of employee you want to work for your business. The content helps to engage with your employees. It also ensures your key individuals have a leading role in the learning and training development process.

We use everything from psychometric testing to real life role play and business simulations.  Our bespoke video training courses will appeal to different types of learners. We have specialist experience and skills to deliver courses in many different fields of learning. We cover everything from change management to executive training and health and safety to employee inductions. This is just a small example of what we offer.

Contact VideoTile today to discuss your bespoke online training requirements.