As a training provider you probably offer a range of resources and training materials to your clients. Choosing to sell e-learning courses on your website can add to your company’s offer of high quality training resources. VideoTile works with many training industry clients, providing high quality video training materials they can sell via their own website, branded to their needs. Let’s look more closely at our online training options, the learning environment it creates and the benefits of choosing to sell e-learning courses on your website.

Effective online learning

VideoTile Learning creates interactive video-based e-learning courses and our distributor and partner network can then sell on these courses to their clients. Our customers license courses from our wide range. Alternatively, we can create fully bespoke courses from your existing training materials and content.

We employ highly experienced online video production professionals and use the latest technologies to create the best quality learning experiences. We combine presents, animations and quiz-style questions to stimulate and engage learners.

Unique virtual learning environment

Video e-learning is a highly effective way of delivering a wide range of training courses. Online training is more popular than ever before and with VideoTile you benefit from high quality production to ensure the best learning experience for all of your clients. Learner engagement increases and our extensive course catalogue means we can cater to training businesses with clients in many different sectors.

Why sell e-learning courses on your website?

Traditional educational companies and training organisations have sometimes been reluctant to switch to online training. You may employ highly qualified and successful training professionals, but this doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from selling courses online too. The main benefits of selling e-courses on your website include:

Reach a wider audience

Your website can reach clients on a global scale. For a small local training company this can be transformative. You may be able to deliver your branded online video courses to clients around the country and beyond. Therefore, you can earn a higher return than simply the money you make from in-person training sessions.

Brand visibility

Your website is your business’ public face and being able to offer branded course materials and full e-courses via your website will help to further your brand. Furthermore, it gives you more to sell and market online. You can add value to your business and find more ways to attract customers if you have something tangible to give them when they visit your website.

Online E-Learning Courses with VideoTile

Sell E-learning courses on your website with VideoTile. Our wide and varied catalogue of courses is ideal for training organisations of all sizes. We can also create bespoke packages to suit your business or for clients with special requirements. Just get in touch to find out more.