School Diversity Week 2nd – 9th July, is a chance for schools in the UK to celebrate equality in regards to LGBT+ in education. It was initially set up by the charity, Just Like Us., Just Like Us create a free toolkit to promote equality and challenge prejudice. This helps to support the awareness week. Furthermore, helps schools celebrate LGBT+ in their education.

Just Like Us have made it easy to celebrate School Diversity Week 2nd – 9th July. They have their simple four-step plan. Firstly, it invites schools, teachers or students to register for a free resource pack. Then pick a day for your event or celebrations. While it is ideal to host the event within School Diversity Week 2nd – 9th July, any day in the school year can work.

Once the school receives its resource pack, it can decide what event is right for their school and how to champion LGBT+ equality. Furthermore, Just Like Us will also send 100 free Rainbow Ribbons. These enable children and students to show their support. It also empowers them to be proud of a school which celebrates equality.

The event can be incredibly successful and rewarding for teachers, staff and students alike. In 2017, School Diversity Week was celebrated by 250,000 students. Celebration events range from pride festivals to cake sales. They also include balloon launches, concerts, debates and workshops.

How to prepare for School Diversity Week 2nd – 9th July

When celebrating equality and diversity and tackling discrimination, it is vital that teachers and staff are fully equipped to answer all of the surrounding questions from inquisitive young minds. It is essential for teachers and staff to talk openly and confidently about equality, diversity and discrimination. It is essential to know what the difference between each term is.

VideoTile has created a user-friendly and comprehensive Equality, Diversity and Discrimination online course. This will help your clients and school customers feel fully briefed for School Diversity Week 2nd – 9th July. We will fully brand the course to suit your business requirements. We also make it easy for your clients to access the training.

Request your free demo of the course today and do your bit to support School Diversity Week 2nd – 9th July.