E-learning and online development and training programmes continue to be a popular choice for corporate businesses looking to get the most out of their workforce

As the new year continues there are new technologies, innovations and changes in the way we use and develop e-learning resources to suit a wide range of different kinds of employer, business and environment. Below we’re taking a closer look at four areas where e-learning has the potential to grow, develop and improve.

A New Reality

Not just one but two new realities are becoming leading trends in the tech world and this is the same in e-learning. Augmented reality is quickly becoming a utilisable tool for e-learning video and course providers. Augmented reality has been leaped upon by the marketing industry but there are many ways it can be used in training too.

Virtual reality is another new innovation which is set to mature in 2017 and is driven principally by the entertainment sector. This in turn will transfer into e-learning and virtual reality can be used to create case study and test environments for businesses.

Gamification of Learning

Immersive learning games could mark a real turning point in e-learning. Gaming has always been a potential learning tool but now it is being actively incorporated into training resources and videos. Evidence suggests learning efficacy is significantly improved through immersive learning games and rewards-based mechanisms can be motivating and drive users of any training platform.

AI in Learning

Artificial intelligence is emerging as a huge trend in technology and it is often heralded as having a potential connection with the e-learning world. As yet no one seems to have properly assessed how the connection would work or how the power of AI could be tailored to the e-learning world, but it is an area there is bound to be much more discussion about in 2017.

Interactive Video

Video is the core of effective e-learning as so many people are now recognising the power of video, the additional engagement it brings and the effectiveness it has when learning something new. The next generation of video training courses however, will need to do something different and the already popular area of interactive video is set to grow even further. Interactive video allows for personalisation and allows users to learn and reflect on the go, giving course designers the chance to act on feedback quickly and effective and the learners to feel satisfied.

The e-learning market has the potential to expand even further in 2017 as businesses look for even more efficient, speedy and cost-effective to train and motivate their employees.

If you would like to know more about E-learning, online development and training programmes from VideoTile Learning then please call 0845 838 2809.