During April 2018, National Child Abuse Prevention Month takes place. It is a month-long campaign to raise awareness. It also aims to encourage people to take an active role in supporting families. Furthermore, adding focus on the wellbeing of children to help prevent child abuse or neglect.

What is National Child Abuse Prevention Month?

The campaign has been running in the United States every April since 1983. Many other countries and associated charities have been keen to adopt the focus such as at NSPCC in the UK. National Child Abuse Prevention Month has such a significance as it can help to put child abuse at the forefront of people’s mind. It encourages people to take action and raise funds.

How can organisations help?

It is difficult to know how many children are affected by child abuse, as abusers hide their actions and children are often too scared to report abuse. In 2016, 58,000 children were identified as victims of abuse. Organisations can help to raise awareness and help those in need through Safeguarding Children training which can help people to understand the procedures in place when acting in a safeguarding role.

What is safeguarding children training?

VideoTile has created an e-learning online training course for training providers to deliver for their clients. The course primarily focuses on the fact that we must all focus on the basic human rights that everyone deserves. When rights such as to be treated well and be healthy and happy are abused, then it is essential for people to realise that it is wrong.

Furthermore, it is essential that people know the guidelines, procedures and policies when put in a safeguarding role. Training can help people take the appropriate measures in challenging situations. Online courses help people to prioritise basic rights and values, and the wellbeing is a vital focus.

Free trial for Safeguarding Children course

If you would like to offer safeguarding training for your clients, VideoTile can help. We offer interactive online safeguarding courses which we fully brand for your needs. See our Safeguarding Children course in action with your free trial.