80% of the world’s population use smartphones.Many of these people may use their smartphone as their main connection to the internet and all it has to offer. Mobile friendly courses and a shift towards responsive e-learning is vital to keep providing learning in a relevant way, in places where candidates can easily access it.

The accessibility of smartphones has made knowledge and information more accessible. This has also changed how people expect to receive learning and gain new information. Tailored, relevant and accessible are all buzzwords in the e-learning community and for good reason.

The Future of Mobile Learning

Towards Maturity found 64% of learners find accessing their training content from a smartphone essential. Furthermore, 43% of learners see improved productivity levels compared to non-mobile users. There is a demand for instant educational content in a mobile friendly format. There is no reason why training providers can’t deliver this.

VideoTile – Fully Mobile Friendly Courses

At VideoTile we design and develop video e-learning courses with a mobile-first attitude. All of our online training is responsive and mobile friendly. We ensure our courses comply with different screen sizes and devices with ease.

Every single VideoTile learning course features responsive design. This means they adapt easily to multiple screen sizes. Users can opt to view their course materials on any device. They can even switch between devices dependent on their individual preferences.

Distributors also benefit from mobile responsiveness. Our Learning Management System is fully mobile responsive. This is ideal for managing your licences and tracking learner information on the go.

Why Mobile Learning is Vital

Mobile learning makes accessibility more inclusive and universal. Courses can be accessed whenever and wherever a candidate is at any given time. It doesn’t discriminate against people who may only be able to access public internet connections. It also allows users with differing abilities to take the course at their own pace and using the most suitable devices for their needs.

Mobile learning seamlessly integrates into peoples’ daily routines, making it easier for them to stay focused on their courses, resulting in increased course completion and knowledge retention.

Learners can also use mobile courses to recall information while at work. This means they can perform their job better. For example, when someone is about to perform a task they can quickly run a short course via their mobile to help them recall the key facts.

Explore our full range of mobile friendly courses here.