The world of eLearning is always evolving. There are plenty of new eLearning trends to keep in mind for the coming months. There are also many ways you can adapt your training approach to suit your client’s needs. Here we’re looking at three key eLearning trends for 2022 and beyond.

1.   Mobile Learning

A mobile-first approach to everything is becoming an expectation, not a consideration. Many eLearning developers use mobile technology to deliver their training. Therefore, courses need to be responsive and easily accessible on a range of different devices. Microlearning is another key development which relies upon quick bursts of learning in small, manageable segments. Video courses are ideal for microlearning. They make it easy for a learner to complete a single module at a time. They can also fit each short module into the spare time that they have available.

2.   Gamification

Gamification has been important in eLearning for many years. However, it remains one of the top eLearning trends going forward as learners continue to enjoy and benefit from this style of learning. Gamification simply means adding gaming-like elements to traditional learning courses. This could mean the ability to pick up points, earn badges or appear on a leader board.

Gamification makes learning much more engaging and helps individual learners to enjoy and take in more of the course content. Increasing user engagement is a key problem for all content creators and as learning courses are often perceived as boring or essential, rather than something to enjoy, finding ways to improve their engagement and enjoyment factor is important.

3.   Personalisation

Personalization has become something everyone expects in modern society. If you login to Netflix or check your Amazon account you’ll be immediately met with personalised recommendations. When it comes to eLearning, learners want their courses to be personalised to their goals and needs too. Technology and data combine to provide the information needed to create detailed user profiles for individual learners. This means companies can tailor future training courses to skills gaps within their organisations and ensure individual employees get the training they need, rather than a coverall approach. Personalisation allows organisations to look more closely at what their users need and how they can meet these needs in an effective way.

As a leading provider of interactive training materials and video courses, we are always interested in the latest eLearning trends. Our distributor customers benefit from courses designed with the latest technologies and trends in mind.