International Epilepsy Day 2019 – 11th February is a special awareness day that aims to promote understanding around epilepsy across the world. The awareness day takes place in over 120 countries. It is a day where people come together to develop understanding and highlight the problems that people with epilepsy face.

The event takes place every year on the second Monday in February. In 2019, International Epilepsy Day takes place on the 11th February.

How to get involved in International Epilepsy Day 2019 – 11th February

  1. Attend an event

There are lots of epilepsy awareness events taking place across the globe. You can find the ones closest to use on social media by using the hashtag #EpilepsyDayEvents. This hashtag is a great one to use to share images and stories about your events too.

  1. Follow the Interactive Map

International Epilepsy Day 2019 – 11th February is using an interactive map. By following this map here, you can see all of the events across the world and join in the conversation on social media. You can also download the free resources to take part in the day wherever you are.

  1. Photo competition

Look at the amazing photographs that people have sent into International Epilepsy Day 2019 – 11th February. Last year, the theme was ‘Life is Beautiful’, and you can see the fantastic entries and competition winners here.

  1. Offer training

VideoTile have created an online Epilepsy Awareness course. Furthermore, we will fully brand the course to suit your needs, and you can offer it as your own course to your clients. The Epilepsy Awareness course provides users with an overview of the neurological condition. As a result, the course is ideal for those in a health and care setting.  It can also be useful for any individual, as it explains what to do if you witness someone having a seizure.

If you want to find out more about the course, request your free trial here.