Creating e-learning courses that engage and hold a viewer’s attention isn’t an easy task. Many interactive video-based e-learning courses are repetitive and mundane, causing the learner to switch off. The aim is to create interactive video-based e-learning courses that keep your audience involved, engaged and interested right until the very end.


Adding an element of interactivity to video learning is an excellent way of getting your audience to become active participants in their own learning experience, but that interactive element needs to be correctly created. It is vital that you choose a training video production company that can provide your training courses with high quality, interactive video-based e-learning courses.


Who Are VideoTile?

Here at VideoTile, we pride ourselves on creating unbeatable interactive video-based e-learning courses. As a result, training professionals use them to empower and engage their audience. Evolving from the world of corporate film and television production, our team of experts have a tremendous amount of experience in creating top quality video content.


Over the years, the team has expanded by acquiring an increasing level of expertise. We specialise in areas such as computer programming, animated graphics and video. Today, VideoTile is the most experienced company in the country that specialises in presenter-led web video content and interactive video-based e-learning courses.

Why Choose VideoTile For Interactive Based E-Learning Courses?

Our professional team of specialists can build completely bespoke programmes to suit your every training need. If you don’t require a bespoke solution, we have an extensive range of existing courses that can you can license for your use.


Our interactive video-based e-learning courses are specially produced for a variety of different businesses and sectors. We provide courses for internal staff use or external clients. We combine our extensive knowledge of corporate practices and processes with our specialist communication and video production skills. With this, we create a unique set of interactive video-based e-learning courses.


Call VideoTile Learning today on 0845 838 2809 to see how we can help, or you can get in touch here.