VideoTile e-learning courses are bespoke products for each of our clients. E-learning is a huge effectively tool for modern business and below we’re looking at three key ways our e-learning courses can help your business.

1.      Better Quality Training

All businesses invest in training to help improve their workforce, ensure they are compliant and to get the most out of them. Many businesses invest significantly in in-house training, workshops and away days, which can become very expensive and doesn’t always do the job. The experience of a whole day spent training can be beneficial but it doesn’t take into account the individual learner styles and where each of your employees may be in their learning. E-learning does. Our e-learning courses allow your employees to take the courses at their own pace and work through until they feel the information is fully digested.

2.      An Effective Engaged Workforce

Once you give employees the power to manage their own learning, most will be proactive. They will also be enthused to make the most of their new skills. Motivation increases and you can always check who is up to what in the training programme and discuss any issues or concerns with individual employees. E-learning provides business owners and management with huge amounts of data about their employees. It is possible to recognise who has the ambition to move forward and add value to the company.

3.      Capital Saving

As mentioned, many businesses spend a lot of money on regular away days and training seminars. While we’re not suggesting e-learning is a cheaper option, it does offer better value. You will be making a significant investment into your training through an e-learning provider and distribution company.  Even better, once it’s done, it’s yours. Updates and refreshers may be necessary but essential the content is yours to use to train as many people as you need. This is without the requirement to organise training day after training day.