Fire safety training is an essential aspect of any business. In fact, fire safety training is a significant aspect of fire risk assessments. Importantly, adequate training for staff can saves lives and also reduce the risk of fires. At VideoTile, we understand the importance of fire safety training. This is why we offer a range of e-learning fire safety courses including; fire extinguisher training, fire safety awareness, fire marshal training, fire safety awareness and fire marshal for care homes.

What is fire marshal training?

Fire marshals are an essential team member in any business. They play a vital role in keeping staff, premises and customers safe. The primary duty of a fire marshal is to have an awareness of fire safety and proactively reduce the risk of fire.

In addition, fire marshals are also often responsible for routinely checking the workplace for hazards and issues that could lead to a fire. Some of the responsibilities of a fire marshal include;

  • Checking for safe emergency exits
  • Ensuring fire doors are in working order
  • Maintaining fire extinguishers and reporting any issues
  • Assessing the emergency lighting
  • Conducting routine fire alarm tests.

Most people think that fire marshal training focuses solely on tackling small fires and assisting in fire drills and also emergency escapes. However, the responsibilities are far more in-depth. With this in mind, our training makes sure to cover all of the duties of a fire marshal so that they can conduct all of their duties safely.

Furthermore, by not following fire regulations, the responsible person may go to prison or receive an unlimited fine. Considering this, it is essential, therefore, that business has the right fire safety practices in place. This may include an adequate number of fire marshals which you can work out with this fire marshal requirement calculator.

Keep your clients compliant with fire marshal training

You can help your clients to adhere to fire regulations by offering fully branded e-learning courses. At VideoTile we can fully brand our fire marshal course and also all of our other courses to best suit your needs. Find out more by trying our free trial today.