When did your employees last receive equality, diversity and discrimination training? Google may be looking to arrange some training after the firm recently hit the headlines for sacking one of its software engineers for writing an ‘anti-diversity memo’. The engineer had written a document which criticised Google’s diversity efforts. It attributed the tech industry’s gender imbalance to biological differences between the sexes. The memo subsequently went viral and saw Google’s CEO respond in with a statement. In it, the CEO outlined that Google found it offensive to suggest that a set of colleagues have qualities that make them more or less biologically matched to the company’s work. He said this suggestion was offensive and contrary to the company’s basic values and code of conduct.

This has inevitably sent ripples through the tech industry. But it should also reinforce the importance of equality, diversity and discrimination training to all employers.

Essential training

Equality and diversity in the workplace has become increasingly important in recent years. While it’s nice to think that both these issues can manage themselves in the modern working world, they sometimes require extra support. Problems in the workplace can often occur because of a lack of understanding, rather than any malice or prejudice. And this is why training is so crucial.

Engage your staff with video-based courses

Video-based e-learning provides people with the opportunity to watch ‘real life’ scenarios and to encourage them to look at their own behaviour and how it can affect others. In fact, video training has transformed training and provides employees with a much more engaging and meaningful way to receive their training.

Equality, diversity and discrimination training, delivered through video-based e-learning, provides employers with an opportunity to:

  • Attract and retain the best and most talented employees.
  • Create more positive working relationships.
  • Encourage greater productivity.
  • Improve teamwork and increase performance.
  • Become more attractive to customers.
  • Develop a more creative and innovative approach.
  • Reduce the risk and costs of potential legal action.

The more you do to tackle discrimination in the workplace, the less issues you should need to deal with. And therefore, the less chance you will find yourself and your organisation facing potential legal proceedings.

To enable you to ensure your employees receive the best equality, diversity and discrimination training, VideoTile provide interactive video training courses. Wherever your staff are based, they can access this engaging video-based course to keep your organisation one step ahead.