We have an extensive range of popular courses at VideoTile and it’s great to occasionally look at them in more depth. Today we’re taking a closer look at our Alcohol Personal Licence Holder Course. This course is ideal for people in managerial and supervisory roles in hospitality environments; from pubs to bars to hotels. Our Alcohol Personal Licence Holder Course is comprehensive, interactive and can easily be white labelled and distributed by your training business. Let’s take a closer look at this course:

An Overview

Our Alcohol Personal Licence Holder Course provides learners with an overview of UK alcohol licensing laws. The alcohol licensing laws in this country regulate the sale and consumption of all alcoholic products. Any organisation, business or person wishing to sell alcohol must have a valid licence provided by an official Licensing Authority.

The course looks at the three main types of licence as well as exploring applications of licences, conditions on licences, as well as reviews and representations.

The course gives learners a broad understanding of the legal duties of personal licence holders. It also provides guidance and instruction on how to deal with the Licensing Authorities. It also covers key information relating to objections, fees and hearings, as well as Temporary event notices and mandatory conditions compulsory for licensed premises.

Another key element of the course is a module focused on age verification. Licence holders in the UK are responsible for the prohibition of selling alcohol to minors. Age verification is a vital element of this and the course discusses how the licensing laws apply to this and best practice for children and under 18s in licensed premises.

The final element of this course looks at alcohol retailing and the responsibilities that come with this. This module helps give learners the information they need to manage conflict and minimise disputes that come from refusing alcohol sales.

Target Audience

This course is a great starting point if you have clients in the hospitality sector. It is aimed at people working in hospitality with aims to open their own premises or take  on a supervisory role. As a training organisation you can market it to any hospitality client.

Why offer an Alcohol Personal Licence Holder Course?

This course is a great stepping stone for anyone looking to enhance their prospects in hospitality. If your training organisation has clients in hospitality then this course is a great option for them. It can help prepare their supervisors for management roles and the flexible and efficient nature of online training makes it easy to market and promote.

Other Courses for your Clients

We have a wide range of courses suitable for the hospitality sector. If this course appeals to your market then you could also consider our courses in Conflict Management, Alcohol and Drug Awareness and Food Safety to meet your clients’ needs.

Image source: https://unsplash.com/photos/ceuXFBrb3zA