For almost every profession, industry and employment, business skills e-learning training is essential. It is a helpful package that can be tailored and adapted to every client need. Alternatively, your organisation can sell it as a standalone e-learning suite for a quick win for your training provider business. It is undoubtedly an excellent training package to offer. It is versatile, accessible and an engaging course that is in demand.

What is business skills e-learning?

Business skills training can include a range of soft skills and hard skills. It helps learners to become more equipped to handle situations in the workplace. The course supplies employees with the tools they need to improve the structure and efficiency of the workplace and the business processes. There is a demand for skills required by businesses, especially as reports suggest that there is a lack of soft skills in the graduate job market.

What business skills should you include in a training programme?

Some of the most prevalent business skills to include in your business skills e-learning suite should certainly include;

Workplace Communication – Astonishingly, 80% of workplace problems come from communication problems. 90% of communication is non-verbal actions and body language. It is essential that employees can not only understand this but also know how they can use it to their advantage in the workplace.

Time Management – Essential for the leadership team as well as workers. Time management helps people to understand effective delegation as well as individual time responsibility. Learners can understand how it can lead to a loss of revenue and has a significant part to play in customer satisfaction. Time management is a great skill to consider in the workplace. As a benefit, people may find tasks that can be removed as they take up too much time and do not add value.

Leadership – As part of any continuity plan, management is always searching for the future leaders in the business. Offering leadership training as an e-learning course allows managers to identify suitable team members for potential leadership roles. Courses can help to prepare them with training. Leadership courses can include a range of productivity techniques as well as team motivation strategies.

Create your business skills e-learning

At VideoTile, we can create tailored e-learning for your business skills topics. Get in touch with our team to find out more.