E-Learning is progressing rapidly. It is taking training by storm for both training providers and businesses. We are beginning to see advanced e-learning training programmes that use videos and games to make the training more interactive and engaging. To give your training an edge, you need interaction. Here are our top tips on how to create the best interactive video-based e-learning courses.

Five tips to developing brilliant interactive video-based e-learning courses

  1. Timing

Timing is essential for creating great interaction during an e-learning course. Don’t simply add elements for the sake of using technology. Make sure that each component works well with the learner journey. Remember, if it doesn’t enhance the experience, it shouldn’t be included in the video. Sometimes, less is more.

  1. Consistent hot spots

You want to make sure your learners stay engaged throughout the training course, therefore it is important to make the process easy to follow. With a consistent user interface, the student knows what to look for to proceed to the next part of the training. However you let users control their e-learning, keep it consistent and fluid to maintain their interest.

  1. Compatibility

Not all learners will have access to the same equipment. Therefore, this means it is important that your training is ready to use on many devices. When creating your videos, make sure it is available for multi-device use. Considering almost half of videos are watched through a mobile application, it may be time to gear your training offering to mobile devices.

  1. Be relevant

Whatever sector or industry you offer training in, it is important that your videos include realistic scenarios that will relate to your learners. Likely or believable situations can help to make the training more powerful and easier to remember and engage with.

  1. Consider motivation

What will your training offer to keep people interacting? Don’t just consider your training goals. Discover how you will make learners progress through the training and comply with the objectives. Positive feedback, game mentality or storytelling can help people to remain focused throughout the training.

Choose an e-learning developer

To help make your interactive video-based e-learning courses successful and engaging, why not enlist the help of VideoTile? VideoTile are an e-learning production company who can turn your training objective into compelling, thought-provoking training material. Our courses can engage learners and provide successful learning outcomes. Find out more by emailing sales@VideoTile.co.uk.