Research carried out by ACAS has found that an increasing number of people are experiencing bullying at work. Workplace bullying is on the rise but people are still afraid to talk about it. Bullying and harassment in the workplace are never acceptable. All businesses need to be committed to a harassment-free working environment. As a business owner, manager or decision maker you need to play a key role in ensuring this is possible.

VideoTile E-Learning solutions offer the anti-harassment and bullying policy training needed to ensure any company is able to handle any bullying situation. Effectively and compliantly tackling bullying creates a better working environment for all. Employee motivation and attendance often increases too.

Your Anti-Harassment and Bullying Policy

All companies need a comprehensive anti-harassment and bullying policy. This policy should lay out commitments to handling harassment and bullying. It should incorporate informal management steps, formal steps and the full investigation process.

Like many other kinds of training course, anti-harassment and bully policy training is especially effective when carried out via video. At VideoTile each of our courses is incorporates as many unique and useful features as necessary.  Interactive video elements, case studies, animations and more bring the training to life. This allows our distribution partners to have a quality product to sell and promote to their customers.

VideoTile E-Learning training courses are only available through our distribution network. This allows many different companies to benefit from our training. Every company needs an anti-harassment and bullying policy which supports a happy and positive working environment.

Anti-Harassment and Bullying Policy Online Training

Online training is a popular method for many workplaces because it is easy to install and cost effective. Online training suits many different styles of learner and allows learners to pace themselves to ensure they digest all the information fully.

Anti-harassment and bullying policy online training is just one of many business skills courses available in the full suite from VideoTile.