Distance learning, e-learning and computer-based training can all describe online training. For busy workplaces and efficient businesses, online training is an essential tool. It is generally cheaper than classroom-based training and is incredibly engaging and effective. Thanks to its multimedia approach with various audio and visual elements, online training is now an essential form of training and one that your organisation should provide.

There are many reasons for training providers to offer online training, here are just some of the main advantages.

Three benefits of offering online training

  1. Increased course take-up

With demands of work pressures and home life, people rarely have the time to attend a classroom-based course. Distance learning can be done at convenience by the learner at a time to suit them at home or work. This flexibility of web-based training could see a higher course take-up. Without the cost of travel and expenses for courses, there may be more money in the training budget. Consequently, this means that companies may offer more of their employees a training opportunity.

  1. It’s the norm

According to the World Economic Forum, 78% of young people worldwide have taken an online course. People now seek out online training and a preferred method of choice. By offering online training, you meet the needs of your clients. Not only this, the market is still growing. Furthermore, offer e-learning, and you tap into a growing demand. In fact, studies show the market will continue to grow at 5% exceeding an expected $240 billion.

  1. Relevancy

Finally, online courses can be quickly updated to ensure accuracy. With increased accuracy, your courses will have better feedback from customers. Learners will not engage with material that is incorrect or dated. To improve training retention, which increases learner satisfaction as well as organisation success, you need to make sure your information is exceptional. As a result, thanks to the ease of adapting e-learning, you ensure your courses are the best they can possibly be.

Developing your online training

At VideoTile, we are here to help you create compelling and engaging content. Working with you, we can ensure your training hits the mark with learners and retains your brand message. If you want to develop web-based training, get in touch and find out how we can help.