One of the most common causes of injury in the workplace is falling from height. For many types of businesses, this is a real risk, especially in the construction industry. Falling from a height can result in fatalities and serious injuries not only to the staff but also to members of the public.

Every business that requires their team to work from a height has a legal responsibility to offer online working at height training. When you have clients in the construction business or other similar industries, the chances are they will have staff who need to work at height on a regular basis.

These businesses must be able to offer their employees online working at height training in order to be compliant with the Work at Height Regulations 2005.

What Is Online Working At Height Training?

Online working at height training gives employers and employees the right information and knowledge needed to successfully and safely work from heights. This training course covers all the risks associated with working from height. It also covers the various control measures that should be in place. Viewers will learn everything from working at height risk assessments to how to safely use access equipment.

Online working at height training is available as an e-learning course. We can fully brand and license it to your own training business. All courses use presenter-led training. They have engaging animations and quiz style questions. All of which ensures learners take in as much as possible.

The fully online and interactive training course is designed to help learners get the most from the course and retain the information they receive. Get in touch with our team of experts today to discuss how our online training courses can help your business and how you can provide online working at height training to your clients.