This new course is now live in our Environmental Health and Safety Suite

Course Description

This course contains valuable, life-saving information for anyone likely to be exposed to blood or potentially infectious bodily fluids at work.
Even if you’re not normally exposed to blood or bodily fluids, this course will increase your understanding of the issues, should you ever have to deal with a workplace accident or emergency.

It starts by describing the three primary bloodborne pathogens.

You’ll learn about the symptoms and the methods of treatment, including the Hepatitis B vaccine procedure.

There’ll be coverage of how the Code of Federal Regulations applies to bloodborne pathogens in the workplace, and the way they’re enforced by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

It’ll then look at how the pathogens are transmitted and how they can be translated into an Exposure Control Plan, or ECP.

You’ll also find practical advice on decontamination procedures, blood-spill clean-up and the correct method of disposing of biochemical hazards and contaminated needles and sharp objects.

The course will highlight safe work practices, including general precautions, Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and glove hygiene.

Finally, there’s a valuable guide to dealing effectively with a workplace exposure incident, including post-exposure evaluation, hand-washing, sanitization and safe disposal.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

Recognize and identify Bloodborne Pathogens

Understand the methods of transmission

Apply decontamination procedures

Understand precaution techniques.

Target Audience

This course is aimed at anyone who may come into contact with Bloodborne Pathogens whilst performing their day to day working activities. This includes people working in healthcare, waste disposal and a range of other industries.


Knowledge of the dangers associated with Bloodborne Pathogens, techniques to keep you safe and use of appropriate PPE will help you to protect yourself from the dangers.


Online training is flexible, efficient and cost effective meaning the candidate can progress through the modules at their own pace and in their own time, so they can fit the training around their work and personal life.

Duration: 50 minutes