The mental health charity, Mind, have established the first Wednesday in every November as National Stress Awareness Day – 7th November. While stress is a normal part of life and sometimes we even thrive on stress, it can cause problems. If you feel overwhelmed by stress, it can have an adverse effect on your mental health.

The idea behind National Stress Awareness Day – 7th November is so that everyone can take a moment to think about their wellbeing. The day is the ideal time to talk about managing stress. It also opens up the opportunity for people to find help, advice and support for dealing with stress.

How Can I Get Involved In National Stress Awareness Day – 7th November?

One of the ways Mind recommends for workplaces is to have a Stress Awareness Space. This is where staff can share their thoughts on stress and what they do to combat it. Mind also creates downloadable cards to pin up on a wall in the workplace. These are cards where staff members can fill in their own hints and tips on how to manage stress.

Another way you can promote stress awareness and National Stress Awareness Day – 7th November is through providing your clients with Stress Management e-learning. VideoTile create online training for Stress Management for you to deliver as your own course. It comes complete with your company branding too.

This interactive course provides an introduction to stress. It also explains why stress can be a problem. For example, work-related stress accounts for 39% of all work-related illnesses. With this training, your clients can identify the causes of their own stress and well as learn about the ways to minimise the risk of stress.

Find out more about our stress management course with a free trial

Prepare your team and clients for National Stress Awareness Day – 7th November by offering the Stress Management course. Click here for your free trial or call us on 0845 838 2809 to find out more.