E-learning and online training courses are standard in many organisations but as a training provider you may not have moved into this field yet. Many organisations have built their reputation on their in-person training courses and approach, but you could be missing a trick if you have not branched out into e-learning.  Below we’re looking more closely at the benefits of e-learning for your training business.

The Benefits of E-Learning for Businesses and Learners

The advantages of e-learning extend far beyond convenience. These are many benefits for businesses and learners, including:

  1. Diverse Learning Opportunities: Companies can opt for standard solutions or bespoke programs tailored to their employees’ ongoing education.
  2. Training Across Multiple Locations: Seamless rollout of training and learning programmes regardless of whether employees are remote, office-based or in a hybrid role.
  3. On-Demand Learning: Learners can access content when and where they desire, allowing for flexibility and convenience.
  4. Independent and Individualised Learning: Learners can progress at their own pace and independently navigate their learning journey.
  5. Integration with Business Processes: Courses can be chosen in response to identified learning needs within the workplace. This allows learners to apply knowledge directly in the workplace.
  1. Satisfying with Learning Preferences: Meeting the preferences of younger generations of learners who are both digital natives and enjoy learning in bite-sized chunks in their own time.

From a business perspective, e-learning is a prudent choice. The costs are more manageable and budget-friendly compared to face-to-face training, where additional expenses like transport and accommodation may apply. Organisations that specialise in training solutions can use e-learning to add value to their business and provide further revenue streams beyond in-person training.

Elevating Learning Content with VideoTile

Partnering with VideoTile offers easy access to high-quality video content tailored to the needs of your business. Our e-learning materials cater to diverse training providers delivering educational support and courses across various industries.

Working with VideoTile gives you direct access to a huge range of learning options through our catalogue. Many of our courses complement each other, and we offer course bundles, providing a comprehensive learning experience on relevant topics at a bundled price.

E-learning courses go beyond convenience—they add substantial value to your business. By offering a broader range of high-quality learning materials, your business becomes a one-stop destination for clients who require a range of learning options, from your regular in-person sessions to high-quality instant access e-learning courses for a range of purposes.

Get More from Your Business with VideoTile E-Learning

VideoTile works with organisations around the country, providing them with tailored learning solutions as well as access to our fully stocked and diverse course catalogue. Whether you’re a new training provider or someone with decades of experience you could be missing out on a valuable income stream if you haven’t considered incorporating e-learning into your offering. Contact us today for more information.