Many businesses require a vast range of different business skills training courses for their employees. As a training provider, it is essential that you can offer these to your clients. Business skills training covers everything from stress management to data protection in the workplace. All of which are useful courses for businesses of all shapes and sizes.

At VideoTile we offer interactive video-based e-learning that covers every aspect of business skills for your clients and their employees. Our business skills training suite includes:


Presentation Skills

Many people dread having to give presentations, but it is often a significant part of many roles. Being able to deliver a successful presentation and communicate effectively with a room full of people is an invaluable business skill that often requires specific training. Our presentation skills course covers the most common mistakes that people make during presentations. Courses also cover how to properly prepare for a business presentation of any size.


Stress Management

Work-related stress is a very real problem among many organisations. As a result, it is an important business skill is being able to appropriately manage stress levels. Stress at work can lead to depression and anxiety among employees and accounts for 39% of all work-related illnesses. Every business of every size and sector is susceptible to stress and can benefit from appropriate stress management training.


Social Media For Business

Social media and the internet in general is a powerful tool for every business. It has completely changed the way individuals and companies interact. Many businesses are still struggling to keep up with the ever-changing technologies. Therefore, they aren’t using social media to its full potential. This course will provide your clients with the business skills they need to understand how social media works as a business tool.

Are you looking for Business Skills Courses?

Call VideoTile Learning today on 0845 838 2809 to see how we can help, or you can get in touch here.