As a fantastic addition to your web page, web presenters are a must. Primarily, a web presenter can engage your audience with a range of subjects that is most useful to your business. As a visitor views your webpage, a person will enter the screen, usually walking on from the side of the screen and begins a web presentation.

The web presenter can present whatever is most relevant and helpful to the users. They are often used to provide further details about the company and explain what your business does. They can also help to show areas on the website to visit or help to point out things that the user may not have noticed.

Whatever your reasons you’re choosing to use a web presenter for, there are plenty of benefits and rewards for doing so.

Three benefits of using web presenters

  1. Engaging

Did you know that 55% of viewers will spend less than 15 seconds on your website? That is a very short space of time to capture attention, engaging viewers and ultimately convert viewers into customers. One of the most engaging methods of content is video. So, by using a web presenter, you’re instantly giving users a content type that can captivate.

  1. Personality

Sometimes, it really is easier to judge a book by its cover. By using a web presenter, you have a visual representation of your company. The web presenter can have the brand image you desire. The presenter can also be a model of your target audience. Furthermore, the web presenter will also have the right tone and style of talking to give your website your distinct personality.

  1. ROI

Video marketing is one of the best content types for the return on investment. What’s more web presenters begin automatically, so you can make sure that your video marketing strategy reaches a wider audience.  For example, did you know that having a video on your landing page can increase conversions by 80%? Make sure you utilise a web presenter on your landing page so that you can see impressive results too.

Looking for a web presenter service?

At VideoTile, we are experts at creating on-brand, functional web presenters that are ready to transform your website. Get in touch today to find out more