At VideoTile, we create video-based learning for industries far and wide. Our courses cover a range of different skills and subjects, from business to care. So, whatever business you run, you’ll not only find training to suit your needs but courses your clients will love too. So, is it time you became a VideoTile distribution partner?

Why become a VideoTile distribution partner?

Offering training is an excellent supplementary add-on to most services and products. Furthermore, it can be a fantastic way to diversify revenue streams, without requiring significant overheads.

There are so many ways to benefit from becoming a distribution partner. While the simplest is to simply act as a reseller, there are more creative options to explore to.

As a VideoTile distribution partner, you can simply have a page on your website dedicated to the specific training you offer. Buyers purchase directly online, and they are sent straight to the link of the VideoTile training hosting platform.

However, if you offer training yourself, using online training can help to supplement your services, giving clients greater value. You may choose to provide online training in conjunction with face to face training. Your business could even develop a complete training programme for different skills and industries which include a variety of face to face training, video-based learning and coaching.

Typically, a VideoTile distribution partner comes from consultancy businesses or training organisations, but if your customers are seeking out, or could benefit from accredited training delivered in an easy, hassle-free format, VideoTile could be for you.

What work is involved in becoming a distribution partner?

With VideoTile, we do all the hard work for you. We can make sure the courses are available for your customers and provide advice on how to integrate training into your business. By partnering with us, you’ll also receive a range of branded marketing materials and guidance for marketing campaigns.

Find out more today by getting in touch