A huge range of tools and processes that we utilise across various industries use abrasive wheels. Ensuring the correct and safe use is of utmost importance and often requires specific training. Many businesses will have members of staff that either regularly or occasionally use abrasive wheels in the workplace. These employers should be able to provide adequate training. Your clients will have a duty of care to keep their employees safe at work. In many industries, this includes training in how to safely use abrasive wheels.


What Is Abrasive Wheels Training?

Different abrasive wheels will come with different properties and characteristics that are suitable for individual and specific tasks. All of these abrasive wheel tools will have their own unique weaknesses, risks and hazards during use. It is essential that those who are responsible for using this equipment are knowledgeable on the relevant regulations and safety procedures for all the various abrasive wheel types. Our abrasive wheels online training course will provide your clients with the skills and knowledge they need to ensure their employees have proper training in staying safe in the workplace.


Who Is Abrasive Wheels Training For?

As a training provider, there will be many of your customers that use abrasive wheels in the workplace. Their employees will benefit hugely from having proper training on how to safely use abrasive wheels. Furthermore, they will know how to properly store and maintain this type of equipment. We design our abrasive wheels training for anyone who takes part in the selection, inspection and use of abrasive wheels.


Why Offer Abrasive Wheels Training?

PUWER 98 (The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998) states that all machinery used in a workplace is suitable for its intended use and is appropriately maintained. This means that all of your client’s employees who use, mount, and manage the operation of abrasive wheels, should receive adequate training . Furthermore, staff should have comprehensive information on how to conduct their jobs safely.


Call VideoTile Learning today on 0845 838 2809 to see how we can help, or you can get in touch here.