Online learning has been growing in popularity for many years and is showing no signs of slowing. As a training provider, it is vital that you are able to offer accredited e-learning content to your clients. More and more organisations are turning to online e-learning because of the many benefits it provides both employees and employers.

There are many reasons why you should provide accredited e-learning content, including;

Why Accredited E-Learning Content? Three Key Reasons

  1. Accredited E-Learning Content Is Cost Effective

When you are running a training business, you will have various expenses to consider. Because classroom training requires a dedicated tutor, a venue and more, it becomes an expensive option. Accredited e-learning content is a cost-effective way to offer a huge collection of training courses to your customers. Because they are all available online, there are no additional expenses to consider, keeping costs down for both you and your clients.

  1. An Advanced Learning Approach

Here at VideoTile, we understand that not everyone learns in the same way. Because of this, our e-learning courses use a new approach to self-education. The online learning process is full of interactive videos, animations, and quiz style questions. This method engages the users, and so enhances the entire learning experience.

  1. Trustworthy And Effective Content

Because we work with a range of approval and accreditation partners, all of our training content is of the highest standard. You can rest assured that you are offering your clients the most effective and trustworthy training courses around. Whether you are looking for Health and Safety e-learning, Business Skills e-learning, or Social Care e-learning, we’ve got courses for you.

Are You Looking For Accredited Courses?

Our full range of accredited e-learning content is available through our dedicated distribution network. Because we want you to get the most out of our courses, we can customise them with your own branding. For more information on how VideoTile can help your training business thrive, get in touch today.